Thursday, August 5, 2010

All About Me

I've done a few blogs here and there before.  I haven't had much luck in staying on track with them.  It's a weakness of mine...I start projects and never finish them.  This is my latest project and I hope to stay with it.  However, first let me introduce myself.

I am a wife, a mother of two very active children, a friend, a helper, a teacher, a photographer, a cook, to name a few of the hats I wear.  I recently found that I am a Sanguine which means I am driven by the need to have fun, be well liked, make people laugh and have fun, and just a basic social type person.  It also means I'm very disorganized, usually late, and I don't always follow through.  Add to the mix that I am pretty high on the Attention Deficit Disorder scale and a mother of two small children and my life can be hectic and hard for me to keep from slipping into complete chaos.  I have many passions in life.  I love to work in the church, I love to write, I love to cook (and I LOVE good food), I love hanging out with friends, and trying new things, I love photography and I love to travel.

It wasn't until a few years ago that I realized I had ADD.  Though it was pretty apparent early on in life.  Back then it wasn't something many people knew much about.  And like it still is today, it's considered a bad thing to have ADD.  However, I have come to realize that having ADD has given me some of my best attributes, the things I love the most about myself, such as my creativity, the ability to think on my feet, thinking outside the box, the ability to hyperfocus, etc.  It also comes with a few negatives I can certainly live without, and taking into consideration that I am a Sanguine personality on top of the ADD (or is it the ADD that makes me a Sanguine or being a Sanguine that makes me ADD??).  Some examples are that I just cannot keep track of time.  I get focused on something else (usually trivial) and I cannot break my concentration.  I go into a store to grab two items leaving my poor DH waiting for me in the car an hour later.  My friends usually know to add 5-10 minutes to my time of arrival because I am always running behind.  It's not that I don't have respect for their time, it's that I have no concept of my own.  I zone out without realizing it, lost in my own thoughts.  I can never stay focused on a task for very long without hyperfocusing.  It makes it hard because my house is usually partially clean in every room because I get distracted before finishing.  I try to keep my life on track with schedules, organizers, day planners (or recently an iPad), meal plans, etc.  If I'd keep up with them then it'd do me a lot of good.  So I try to.

This blog is meant to help me stay on track, keeping me accountable.  I want to get more organized and scheduled for the sake of my sanity and for benefit of my children.  Since ADD is hereditary I want to make sure my kids learn all the tools they need to excel in life if they inherit their mother's genius.  I also want to share with others who might be experiencing the same frustrations I do and let them know it's ok.  It's not a bad thing if you have ADD.  I want people to celebrate the benefits of ADD and learn ways to control the negatives (with or without medication).  I also want to have an excuse to share the things I'm passionate about!  So get ready for my eclectic collection of craziness.

1 comment:

  1. i love it! i feel like i'm reading about myself!!!
    great chatting with ya today .. hope you made it to church okay!
    i really need to get to bed now!


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